Mini Round Placemats using FPP 8 inch block

All Foundation Paper Piecing (FPP) patterns I've created include three sizes: 4-inch square, 6-inch square, and 8-inch square block patterns.

I particularly enjoy making small items using FPP blocks. Previously, I crafted mini placemats using 8-inch blocks from the Christmas Santa Suits Cup FPP pattern and Christmas Elf Suits Cup FPP pattern, as shown in the photo below.


This time, I've made mini round placemats using 8-inch blocks from the Gnome Cup FPP pattern and Snowman Cup FPP pattern.



Here's a step-by-step guide if you'd like to create them too:


1) Make one 8-inch block from the Christmas theme FPP pattern.

2) Add borders A to the right and left sides of the block, then B to the top and bottom. Press the seam toward the outside.

  • (2) 2 1/2" x 8 1/2" - A
  • (2) 2 1/2" x 12 1/2" - B



    3) Create a quilt sandwich and quilt it as desired.

    4) Download the circle templates (Click the download icon below).


    5) Use templates A or B to mark the circle onto the quilted sandwich.


    6) Sew on the marked line and trim 1/8" away from the stitched line.

    Note: Alternatively, if you have a BERNINA sewing machine and the option to use the Circular Embroidery Attachment #83, utilize it to sew the circle directly. Actually I did use the attachment #83.

    To use Attachment #83, follow these steps:

      • Attach the Circular Embroidery Attachment to your BERNINA sewing machine.
      • Move the pin to the end (this should create about a 10-inch circle when you sew).
      • Place the quilt sandwich onto the pin at the center and secure it in place with a rubber cap to prevent shifting during sewing.
      • Change the foot to #1C (or your preferred foot).
      • Begin sewing! (IG reel)


    7) Prepare the bias binding (approximately 1 yard for one mini placemat).

    Note: Check out >>> How to make a continuous bias binding

    8) Fold the binding in half and attach it to the right side of the cut quilt sandwich using a 1/4" seam allowance.

    9) Bring the binding to the wrong side and sew.




    I can't wait to use these mini placemats for serving snacks to my boys!


    (Click the download icon below to get the 10-inch circle templates.)


    Find the FPP patterns in the shop.


    Happy quilting!

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