Satomi Quilts Trunk Show & Workshop Info 2025

Thank you so much for your interest in hiring me to speak and teach at your event. The following is a detail of pricing and other expenses. Please email me at to schedule a booking. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me!



Click here



Lecture/Trunk Show $400
(Approx. 60 minutes + Q&A)
I will bring approximately 50 quilts and items to show.


4 hours workshop $480
Level: Intermediate
Modern Motif Reverse Applique
(Featured at QuiltCon 2023 in Atlanta, GA)

3 hours workshop $360
Level: Confident beginner – Intermediate
Sunny-Side up Fried Egg Reverse Applique


3 hours workshop $360
Level: Confident Beginner – Intermediate
Pompom Galaxy - Curved Piecing

3 hours workshop $360
Level: Beginner
Farmhouse Mason Jars - Traditional Piecing



3 hours workshop $360
Level: Confident Beginner - Intermediate
On The Road - Traditional Piecing


  • I will be happy to create a workshop using one of my quilt patterns that best suit your interests.



  • I will drive to locations within 100 miles from my home.
  • The IRS mileage rate applies: to/from my home, 10 Henderson Rd, South Kent, CT 06785.(Example - 2024 IRS mileage rate: 67 cents/per mile)
  • I require tables to set up and share my patterns and other items.
  • I can accommodate up to 24 students per class. Lectures/trunk shows are unlimited. Additional students beyond 24, up to a total of 30, are charged at $15/additional student.



  • Specifies dates and fees for the event.
  • I will not ask for the deposit for the event in advance.
  • Please make payment at the end of the event.
  • I will have my patterns and the fabrics available for purchase after the event if allowed.
  • The contract is intended to confirm our arrangements.
  • Please do not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions. I will be happy to work with you.


Workshop photos for you to use here.


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