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PATCHWORK MUGS QAL - WEEK 7: Make cornerstone, sashing rows and assemble the quilt top


Welcome to PATCHWORK MUGS QAL WEEK 7!! This week, we will be making the cornerstone and assemble the quilt top. 

WEEK 7: Make cornerstone, sashing rows and assemble the quilt top


In this quilt, the cornerstones are the small squares positioned between the sashing strips. These squares can consist of a single piece of square fabric or simple pieced units. Here, they are four-patch units.



Nothing here is complicated, but I'd like to show you my process.



Sew each Square V to the background Square Z. Sew together all the squares shown in the photo above.



Please note that there will be two Squares V that you will not use. (mentioned in the instructions.)



Sew the pieces to make the four patch units for the cornerstones.



Sew each row together. Before sewing, carefully check the diagrams for the directions of the mug blocks and cornerstones. These details add movement and a fun look to the quilt. Good luck with assembling the quilt top! 


Please remember that you have to post a photo of your quilt top on Instagram or Facebook using #patchworkmugsqal and also tag me @satomi_quilts (Instagram) by April 20th to be eligible for a chance to win!






  • 3/1   - Week 1: Preparing the fabrics
  • 3/8   - Week 2: Cutting the fabric and organizing
  • 3/15 - Week 3: Sew the tree, heart or star units/pieces
  • 3/22 - Week 4: Make 6 mug units
  • 3/29 - Week 5: Make 6 mug units
  • 4/5   - Week 6: Make 12 mug handle units and complete all 12 mug blocks
  • 4/12 - Week 7: Make cornerstone, sashing rows and assemble the quilt top
  • 4/20 - The last day to share a photo of your finished quilt top on Instagram/Facebook using #patchworkmugsqal & #pacthworkmugsquilt, also tag me @satomi_quilts (Instagram) or leave a comment on the Week 7 post to let me know that you've completed the quilt top after you've posted a photo to your account.
  • 4/22 - The winners will be announced on Instagram/Facebook and in a newsletter.


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